The Most Expensive Drug in the Black Market
“The 11 Most Expensive Drugs in the U.S.A.” The GoodRx Prescription Savings Blog, 28 June 2018, /blog/11-most-expensive-drugs-in-the-us/. “The 11 Most Expensive Drugs in the U.S.A.” The GoodRx Prescription Savings Blog, 28 June 2018, /blog/11-most-expensive-drugs-in-the-us/. The institutional subscription may not cover the content that you are trying to access.
Understanding the *black market* for drugs is crucial for comprehending the complexities of illegal drug trade. Among the myriad substances traded, some stand out for their exorbitant prices. The most expensive drug in the black market reflects not only its rarity but also its potency and the risks associated with its distribution.
These drugs, which include drugs to treat hemophilia (NovoSeven RT, Koate-DVI, Feiba), multiple sclerosis (HP Acthar), and rare infant diseases (Adagen), reflect Medicaid’s role in caring for individuals with substantial health needs. I could see it making cocaine skyrocket, but I’m also curious about marijuana.I, too, am curious about that. Generally, interdiction should reduce supply, which should increase prices. If I could go to prison for five years for getting caught with an ounce of crack, or if the chance that I’ll get caught increases, I’ll charge my buyers more for that crack.
Each year, Americans spend a shocking $37 billion on cocaine as reported by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, but this does not compare to the costs of medical care and hospital visits. In 2011, there were over 500,000 emergency room visits due to cocaine use (SAMHSA, 2013). Finally, what would happen to the principal suppliers of illicit drugs if restrictions on the commercial sale of these drugs were lifted in some or all of the main markets? Would the trafficking organizations adapt and become legal businesses or turn to other illicit enterprises? Would they benefit or would new producers and manufacturers suddenly spring up elsewhere?
Factors Influencing Drug Prices
For the average user, a gram of cocaine might cost $60-$200 in the U.S., making it a relatively pricey habit over time. Just a quarter of adults were aware that the IRA includes provisions on drug prices in July, nearly a year after the president signed it. He isn’t helped by the name of the law, the “Inflation Reduction Act,” which says nothing about health care or drug costs.
Several factors contribute to the high prices of drugs on the black market:
- Notably, within this class, apixaban, one of the most widely used direct oral anticoagulants, emerges as particularly unaffordable, at an April 2023 price of 4,468,003 LBP (47.3USD) per month.
- As an emergency physician, I give fentanyl as an analgesic, or painkiller, to relieve severe pain in an acute care setting.
- Their approvals were met with concerns from investors about the high prices.
- Toward this end, proposed solutions include only subsidizing drugs for which there is no locally produced alternative and only subsidizing generic forms when available [22].
- Scarcity: The rarer the drug, the higher the price. Limited production often drives up demand.
- Risk: The dangerous nature of trafficking certain substances increases their price. Suppliers may charge more to compensate for the high risk of arrest.
- Purity: Higher purity generally leads to higher prices, as users are willing to pay a premium for more effective substances.
- Origin: Drugs sourced from specific regions known for potency may also command higher prices.
Due to the inability to breakdown specific metabolic byproducts, they build up throughout the body, which causes walking and breathing difficulties. The high costs for IVF and egg freezing treatments have sent patients searching for cheaper ways to buy the drugs. In 2021, 1 in 5 adults who use insulin reported rationing their supplies — skipping, delaying or using less than was needed — to save money.
Why Do Black Markets Exist?
Zokinvy is the first and only drug approved to treat Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, a fatal disease that afflicts children causing premature aging. The average life expectancy for a child with progeria is about 14 years old. Despite the eye-popping price tag, the one-time infusion is an attractive alternative to regular painful spinal injections that are required for other treatment courses.
They participate in the same networks and use the same mechanisms to move illicit money. Cannabis is not legal in Latvia, but the country’s administrative fine for small possession amounts means consumption is not uncommon. However, good quality ganja is pretty expensive in the country and people usually just settle with smoking hash.
A report by Whitney Economics has revealed that around 75% of the U.S. cannabis market is illicit sales. The black market doesn’t have to pay taxes and it isn’t limited by state lines, two huge headaches for legalized businesses. Recently (December 2022) a sharp fall in the value of the Lebanese pound to the US dollar led to an also sharp increase in the price of goods.
The Notorious Cotagon
Among the most celebrated and feared drugs in the illegal market, Cotagon, stands as an infamous example of the *most expensive drug in the black market*. This synthetic drug has skyrocketed in demand due to its potent effects and the limited availability of its components.
The price of Cotagon can reach up to $100,000 per gram, making it a highly sought-after substance among affluent users and dealers. Its production requires advanced chemical knowledge, significantly limiting those capable of synthesizing it. As a result, the black market for Cotagon is intensely competitive, with suppliers willing to pay handsomely for a single gram.
Comparison with Other High-Value Drugs
While Cotagon often ranks at the pinnacle of illicit substances, several other drugs also command high prices:
- Gold Flake Meth: Known for its unique blend of potency and rarity, it can sell for around $50,000 per gram.
- Black Tar Heroin: In niche markets, this form of heroin can fetch prices as high as $30,000 per gram due to its uncommon side effects.
- Designer Stimulants: Custom-created drugs often range from $10,000 to $25,000 per gram, as users seek unique highs.
Consequences of High Drug Prices
The exorbitant costs associated with the *most expensive drug in the black market* lead to significant societal consequences:
- Increased crime rates as individuals seek ways to fund their drug habits.
- Heightened violence among dealers vying for territory and customer loyalty.
- Harmful health effects due to the purity and composition of high-priced drugs.
- A thriving underground economy that undermines lawful businesses.
What makes a drug expensive on the black market?
The cost is influenced by scarcity, risk of trafficking, purity, and geographic origin.
Is Cotagon legal anywhere?
As of now, Cotagon is illegal in most countries due to its potent effects and potential for abuse.
How do authorities combat the trafficking of expensive drugs?
Authorities utilize a mix of enforcement strategies, education on drug risks, and international collaboration to disrupt the trade.
The *most expensive drug in the black market*, such as Cotagon, exemplifies the tragic intersection of addiction, crime, and risk. Understanding the dynamics of drug pricing and the factors that influence demand is crucial for addressing the broader implications for society.